Une certaine saturation de l'économie de type industriel issue des siècles précédents (on parle ainsi d'économie post-industrielle), fait que l'information sous forme électronique (informatique), l'économie de la connaissance, les services, l'organisation et la gestion financière tendent à prendre le pas, en termes de poids économique, sur la production de biens matériels, dans les pays dits développés.
Ces phénomènes sont indirectement liés à la mondialisation, et sont un volet concomitant du schéma de développement économique contemporain. Le développement du commerce électronique (B2B…) sur le Web en est l'expression la plus manifeste. L'économie devient extrêmement volatile, les flux entre partenaires pouvant être réalisés en quelques fractions de secondes à l'échelle mondiale.
La diminution des pouvoirs des institutions nationales face à une économie devenue mondiale a conduit à monter des organisations multilatérales ayant chacune un rôle de coordination à l'échelle du monde sur un domaine économique particulier.
Ces institutions sont chargées d'étendre les possibilités d'échanges entre pays à la plupart des transactions, dans un souci de croissance économique, d'équilibre des flux, et de concurrence non biaisée. Elles tentent de réglementer le commerce international par voie de traités multilatéraux d'abaissement ou d'élévation réciproques des barrières douanières, et plus récemment, suite aux critiques des altermondialistes, elles accompagnent cette action d'aide au développement économique.
Elles prennent maintenant en compte, au moins en partie, des aspects sociaux et environnementaux (voir développement durable sur les aspects généraux, et responsabilité sociétale des entreprises sur les points intéressant directement les entreprises).
A certain saturation of the industrial-type economy resulting from previous centuries (we thus speak of post-industrial economy), means that information in electronic form (computer), the knowledge economy, services, organization and financial management tend to take precedence, in terms of economic weight, over the production of material goods, in so-called developed countries.
These phenomena are indirectly linked to globalization, and are a concomitant aspect of the contemporary economic development scheme. The development of electronic commerce (B2B, etc.) on the Web is the most obvious expression of this. The economy is becoming extremely volatile, with flows between partners being able to be achieved in fractions of a second on a global scale.
The reduction in the powers of national institutions in the face of an economy that has become global has led to the setting up of multilateral organizations, each having a global coordination role in a particular economic field.
These institutions are responsible for extending the possibilities of exchanges between countries to most transactions, for the sake of economic growth, balance of flows, and unbiased competition. They attempt to regulate international trade through multilateral treaties for the reciprocal lowering or raising of customs barriers, and more recently, following criticism from alterglobalists, they are accompanying this action to aid economic development.
They now take into account, at least in part, social and environmental aspects (see sustainable development on general aspects, and corporate social responsibility on points of direct interest to companies).
These phenomena are indirectly linked to globalization, and are a concomitant aspect of the contemporary economic development scheme. The development of electronic commerce (B2B, etc.) on the Web is the most obvious expression of this. The economy is becoming extremely volatile, with flows between partners being able to be achieved in fractions of a second on a global scale.
The reduction in the powers of national institutions in the face of an economy that has become global has led to the setting up of multilateral organizations, each having a global coordination role in a particular economic field.
These institutions are responsible for extending the possibilities of exchanges between countries to most transactions, for the sake of economic growth, balance of flows, and unbiased competition. They attempt to regulate international trade through multilateral treaties for the reciprocal lowering or raising of customs barriers, and more recently, following criticism from alterglobalists, they are accompanying this action to aid economic development.
They now take into account, at least in part, social and environmental aspects (see sustainable development on general aspects, and corporate social responsibility on points of direct interest to companies).