Zap 228
Le jeûne, une nouvelle thérapie ? | Science of fasting
Et s'il existait une alternative au "tout médicament" ? En Russie, en Allemagne et aux États-Unis, médecins et chercheurs étudient les effets étonnants du jeûne sur les patients.
Dans les pays occidentaux, les cas de diabète, d’hypertension, d’obésité, de cancers se multiplient et la consommation de médicaments explose. Et s'il existait une autre voie thérapeutique ? Depuis un demi-siècle, en Russie, en Allemagne et aux États-Unis, des médecins et des biologistes explorent une autre piste : le jeûne. Réputé pour sa source d'eau chaude, le sanatorium de Goriachinsk, dans la plaine sibérienne, est aussi connu pour son centre de jeûne, créé en 1995. Atteints d'asthme, de diabète, de rhumatisme, d'allergie… les patients, très encadrés, n'ingurgitent rien à part de l'eau durant douze jours en moyenne mais la cure se prolonge parfois trois semaines. Après la douloureuse crise d'acidose des débuts, ils se sentent plus en forme et les deux tiers voient leurs symptômes disparaître après une ou plusieurs cures. Remboursé, ce traitement s'appuie sur quarante ans d'études scientifiques, malheureusement non traduites, qui ont démarré sous l'ère soviétique. Bien qu'elles soient inconnues hors de Russie, des médecins et chercheurs occidentaux creusent aussi ce sillon, même si, aux pays du médicament-roi, ils bénéficient de peu de subventions.
What if there was an alternative to "any medicine"? In Russia, Germany and the United States, doctors and researchers are studying the amazing effects of fasting on patients.
In Western countries, cases of diabetes, hypertension, obesity, cancers are multiplying and the consumption of drugs explodes. And if there was another therapeutic way?
For half a century, in Russia, Germany and the United States, doctors and biologists have been exploring another track : fasting.
Renowned for its hot spring, the sanatorium of Goriachinsk, in the Siberian plain, is also known for its fasting center, created in 1995. With asthma, diabetes, rheumatism, allergy ... patients, highly supervised, do not swallow anything except water for twelve days on average, but the cure sometimes extends three weeks. After the painful acidosis crisis, they feel better and two-thirds see their symptoms disappear after one or more cures. Reimbursed, this treatment is based on forty years of scientific studies, unfortunately untranslated, which started under the Soviet era. Although they are unknown outside of Russia, Western doctors and researchers are also digging this furrow, even though, in the countries of the drug-king, they benefit from few subsidies.
In Western countries, cases of diabetes, hypertension, obesity, cancers are multiplying and the consumption of drugs explodes. And if there was another therapeutic way?
For half a century, in Russia, Germany and the United States, doctors and biologists have been exploring another track : fasting.
Renowned for its hot spring, the sanatorium of Goriachinsk, in the Siberian plain, is also known for its fasting center, created in 1995. With asthma, diabetes, rheumatism, allergy ... patients, highly supervised, do not swallow anything except water for twelve days on average, but the cure sometimes extends three weeks. After the painful acidosis crisis, they feel better and two-thirds see their symptoms disappear after one or more cures. Reimbursed, this treatment is based on forty years of scientific studies, unfortunately untranslated, which started under the Soviet era. Although they are unknown outside of Russia, Western doctors and researchers are also digging this furrow, even though, in the countries of the drug-king, they benefit from few subsidies.