Pollution terrestre | Land pollution
This is why it is also called an ecological disaster. It is the expression of an intervention destabilizing the environmental components and conditions.
These disasters are man-made (e.g. oil spills, deforestation resulting in loss of biodiversity) with the disappearance of several species of plants and animals, which distinguishes them from ecological crises which are caused by disturbances natural (fires, floods, diseases, earthquakes, volcanic activity) or anthropogenic disturbances. Agriculture, industrialization, urbanization, access to communication channels, consumer culture are human imprints potentially carrying disasters.
Environmental disasters can appear as sudden, precisely dated events. Others are predictable, possible and random. The severity and spatio-temporal sensitivity of the event and the tally of its biophysical and human effects are recorded for the assessment of the scale of the environmental disaster (eg an oil spill). Ecological disasters can also result from a process that takes place over decades or more and whose consequences are significant.