Planet Earth
La pollution se caractérise par la dégradation d'un écosystème suite à l'introduction, généralement humaine, de substances ou de radiations altérant de manière plus ou moins importante le fonctionnement de cet écosystème.
Elle a des effets importants sur la santé et la biosphère, comme en témoigne l'exposition aux polluants et le réchauffement climatique qui transforme le climat de la Terre et son écosystème, en entraînant l'apparition de maladies inconnues jusqu'alors dans certaines zones géographiques, des migrations de certaines espèces, voire leur extinction si elles ne peuvent s'adapter à leur nouvel environnement biophysique.
En 2012 selon l'OMS, plus de 7 millions de personnes sont mortes prématurément à cause de la pollution de l'air (extérieur et domestique) ; l'Asie et le Pacifique étant les régions les plus touchées.
En 2017, le journal The Lancet a estimé qu'au moins 9 millions de personnes sont prématurément mortes en 2015 à cause de la pollution (soit une mort « prématurée », c'est-à-dire avant 65 ans, sur six).
Pollution is the degradation of an ecosystem by the introduction, generally from humans, of substances or radiations altering the functioning of an ecosystem.
It has important effects on health and the biosphere, as evidenced by exposure to pollutants and global warming that transforms the Earth's climate and its ecosystem, leading to the emergence of diseases previously unknown in certain geographical areas and to the migrations of certain species or even their extinction if they can not adapt to their new biophysical environment.
In 2012 according to WHO, more than 7 million people died prematurely because of air pollution (outdoor and domestic); Asia and the Pacific being the most affected regions.
In 2017, the Lancet newspaper estimated that at least 9 million people died prematurely in 2015 because of pollution (one "premature" death before age 65 out of six).
It has important effects on health and the biosphere, as evidenced by exposure to pollutants and global warming that transforms the Earth's climate and its ecosystem, leading to the emergence of diseases previously unknown in certain geographical areas and to the migrations of certain species or even their extinction if they can not adapt to their new biophysical environment.
In 2012 according to WHO, more than 7 million people died prematurely because of air pollution (outdoor and domestic); Asia and the Pacific being the most affected regions.
In 2017, the Lancet newspaper estimated that at least 9 million people died prematurely in 2015 because of pollution (one "premature" death before age 65 out of six).